Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Tragedy in C Major, Ch. 3

Chapter 3

Soon after George began moving again, the smell was gone, and it wasn't much past that that he met his manager coming out of some poor employee's office. George called out to him. "Sir!" He said, but his manager didn't turn toward him. In fact he didn't even seem to hear him. George tried again. "Sir! I need to talk to you!"

This time his manager heard him. He stopped and turned around slowly. He saw George looking at him and said "Yes George? Did I hear you say something? That you need to talk to me? Perhaps you should have thought about that before you decided to come to work late today!" He was shouting by the time he got to "you need to talk," and George didn't even wait for the accusation before he started toward the nearest elevator and pushed on the button with the fancy up button carved into it. He could hear his manager following him, but decided that he didn't want to talk to him after all, despite his attempts at getting George's attention.

Whew! What a day George was having! This was starting to be very stressful for him. The last time he had had to do anything at his job he had just about died, and this was starting to look bad for George's blood pressure. Not that that has anything to do with this awful day, though that smell from the end of chapter two might.

The elevator finally arrived, and George stepped into it. After all, that is what one does when one's elevator arrives. Once inside, he hit the button for the next to the top floor, which happened to be the floor right above the one he was on. After all, even the largest pendulum company in the world did not need that much office space, and so they had them in a homey three story building, with the top floor belonging to The President alone, the bottom floor being where it stored all the people that didn't do anything, and the middle floor being the only one where anything happened at all, even though not much happened there even. Well, except for the time that George's third cousin twice removed, Mey Demity (who should not be confused with George's Great Aunt Dimity May, but often was) decided that the office needed something to liven it up. He thought that some candles would be nice, and so he put a lit candle on every desk. No one minded until the head accountants desk caught fire. If you know anything about accounting or fires, you know that that is not a good thing. Especially since the building had just had a new sprinkler system installed. It definitely worked too.

Today was a normal day on the second floor though. Everybody sat at their desks and did next to nothing. The somethings that they did were odd and far between, and so the majority of them were quietly flipping through manufacturing reports and filling out orders for the various pendulum factories. Then George arrived in the elevator. This in itself was unusual enough to cause a stir, especially since few people knew who he was. Cousin Lemits Raphetious knew who he was though, and he saw George almost instantly. After all, all that he had to do was look where everyone else was looking. It was somewhat harder for George to find him though, as everyone who wasn't looking at some scrap of paper was looking at him he didn't have a trail of eyeballs to follow. Luckily Lemits came over to him and asked "What is it George?"

George replied in a whisper. "I found something that I need to talk to you about. Something important to the survival of the company." And of course the whole floor was now looking at them. No matter how quiet a whisper is, it always carries across the room when it shouldn't after all.

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